Knitting & Stitching




Early group meeting

2019 Group meeting










We are the Trunch Group of Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers – Members knit, crochet and sew items which are distributed to a wide range of local, national and international charities. We meet once a month on the third Monday at 2.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. Anyone who would like a cup of tea and a chat is welcome, whether you knit or not. Equally some people make items at home but do not come to the meetings. Meetings are free, but donations of £2 per meeting are invited.

We welcome donations of wool, fabric, buttons, patterns etc. Contact Val Dagley 01263 721374

2024 Meeting Dates

January 15th, February 19th, March 18th, April 15th, May 20th, June 17th, July 15th, August 19th, September 16th, October 21st, November 18th, December 16th. November will be our 10th. anniversary.


June 2024

Colourful blankets, to be sold for charity at our anniversary open afternoon and sale in November.

January 2024

Happy New Year. Items below for the Warm Baby Project


Hats and bootees


Blankets, jackets and toys









November 2023

Sale table  Nov. 25th. raised £79.70 for Village Hall funds.









October 2023

Over 50 sets of hats and mittens donated to the North Norfolk Warm Baby Bags project.

September 2023

Poppies for a North Walsham event


Toys for Christmas sales







September meeting. Some items for Christmas sales and the first few baby hats and mittens sets that we are making for the North Norfolk Council’s Warm Baby Bags

July 2023

Another warm baby set

June 2023

A warm baby set for a little girl, whose mum doesn’t want too much pink!



March 2023

We held an open afternoon at our regular meeting and as well as selling items we had made we also sold some spare craft materials. The sales and money from refreshments and the raffle raised £170 for the East Anglian Air Ambulance.


Jan. 2023

More Warm Baby gifts


Dec. 2022

We had 2 Christmas sales in the village which raised £95.63 for the North Norfolk Community Transport Charity, who provide subsidised trips from Trunch. It also gave us an opportunity to raise awareness of the charity.

We also made a donation of £25 to our Village Hall, who do a great job of providing us with a warm meeting room and storage at a very reasonable price.


Christmas Sale

Val and Janet










Oct 2022

Warm Baby knitting Oct. 2022




July 2022

A blue set for a premature baby boy


April 2022

The Easter sale in the Methodist Church raised £83.50 for the Friends of North Walsham Memorial Hospital. Some of the group members below with a few of the items that were for sale. Photo by Richard Batson. And Janet at one of the sale tables.









April 2002

Latest Warm Baby Donation




March 2022

We are meeting regularly again in the Village Hall and are well stocked with free materials for charity knitting. Members have been busy knitting for the Warm Baby Project, who provide us with free wool to make items for premature babies all over the country.










We have also donated items to local care homes recently and to the Loft in Sheringham for distribution to charities. And we had 2 sale tables at the Village Hall coffee mornings, raising £72 for their funds.




October 2020 A beautiful selection of items were brought along to our October meeting – blankets, shawls, socks, children’s knitwear, fascinators and a bag.

Items from the October meeting


Well we did meet on September 21st. Six members attended and we sat spaced out in the Hall. The face masks did inhibit conversation a bit and we all missed the tea and biscuits but it was very good to see members again. And it was good to see that lovely items of knitting and stitching are still being made. We will meet again in October.


Meeting again

Keeping busy










Despite the restrictions due to the Corona Virus, a lot has been going on in Trunch.

We have sent many cannula covers for premature babies to a nurse in Cambridge. She has enough now but the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Norfolk & Norwich would like them. I sent off a parcel at the beginning of May. They would also like some baby blankets – knitted or crocheted.

Another box of blankets and cannula covers for the Neo Natal Unit in Norwich


Ear Savers for health and care staff who have to wear masks with elastic round the ears.  As of June 2020 we have sent out 496 to local surgeries and care homes.

ear savers

A few of the many ear savers we have made










Unfortunately our meetings and the Easter Sale have had to be cancelled for the time being because of the Corona Virus Pandemic. However members will be keeping in touch with each other by email and telephone and will carry on making items for sale and for charity. I can still provide materials if needed – so just give me a call. 


Saturday Dec. 7th. 2019

A SALE of clothes, blankets, toys, gifts and Christmas decorations, raised £52 for the Norwich-based LEEWAY charity, which supports  anyone in Norfolk who is experiencing domestic abuse.


2019 sale

We also had a box for items that can be donated to the charity and people generously gave many toiletries and food items, which together with some of our handmade clothes and toys were taken to the charity drop-off point in Norwich.


2019 collection for Leeway Charity


July 2019

Making good use of some of the left-over wool, which has been donated to us.


December 2018

We raised over £80 from our sales towards the Village Hall appeal.

Sale for Village Hall








November 2018


Knitted poppy hanging in St. Botolph’s Church, Trunch

This is the poppy hanging that we have made for the 100 year WW1 commemorations in the Church. Janet Howitt had the idea, several group members knitted and crocheted the poppies, Janet Harmer provided the hessian backing and Vanessa Woofe and Jackie Hudson sewed the poppies on.  It was very well received at a village musical tea on October 26th. when the spare poppies were sold for the Royal British Legion. The idea is that the church can keep the hanging to use in future years.


September 2018

We have had some wonderful donations of wool over the summer which were left at the shop. Thank you and do keep the donations coming.

We made some seals to donate to Seal and Shore Watch in Mundesley. The toy seals are sold for fund raising.

We are currently making a poppy hanging for the parish church and planning for sales in November and December, with profits going to Trunch Village Hall which needs a major up-grade.

March 2018

We raised £40 for the Open Door Cafe in Mundesley which was very good considering the weather problems. Well done to everyone who helped. The left over items were taken to the Wool Loft in Norwich for distribution and the Easter gifts were sent to the Forum to be sold for charity during Makers’ Month. I also took a big bag of Snuggle triangles for the Norfolk & Norwich Neonatal Unit.



November 2017

Our sale table at the Methodist Coffee Morning was very successful. We made £55 which has been donated to the Canine Concern charity whose volunteers take their dogs into nursing homes and hospitals and into schools to listen to the children read. Jackie Hudson, one of our members, is a volunteer for them and she takes her dogs into Old People’s Homes in North Norfolk. At the same time, she also has a supply of blankets and sensory bands for those who might welcome them.

The photographs show some of the items that we sold as well as our smart new tablecloth made by Janet Harmer, another valuable member of our group.

Our new tablecloth

Jackie Hudson




















July 2017

We have very kindly been donated a large quantity of coned wool – really for knitting machines, but it can be hand knitted with several strands together. We have also been given some lovely material for sewing and two big tins of sorted buttons. Thank you all – everything will be put to good use.


We had a sale stall at the Trunch Open Gardens and Scarecrow Day on Sunday July 16th. 2017 and made £57 for Mundesley Inshore Lifeboat.



Cushions and blankets





Saturday Dec. 10th. 2016  COFFEE MORNING & SALE. We made £308  for Nelson’s Journey – a Norfolk charity which helps bereaved children. Well done everyone.

Thanks to everyone who  made the beautiful things to sell, the lovely cakes to eat or who ran or helped on the stalls, including the tombola, raffle, refreshments and other craft stalls. Also thanks to everyone who came to support us at this busy time of year. We sold several blankets but Jackie has taken the left over lap blankets to local care homes.

Christmas sale

Christmas sale


North Walsham Festival 18-26 June 2016 There was an art display of sewn, crocheted and knitted items. I donated a knitted mitred square and a crochet flower.

Knitting as art?

Knitting as art?

Market Cross Knitting

Market Cross Knitting








(Spring 2016) we made sensory bands and colourful lap blankets for the Lister Hospital in Stevenage, where the daughter of one of our members works.

Sensory bands

Sensory Bands (right) These have items of different texture sewn inside and out and they are used in care homes and hospitals for dementia patients.






Big Norfolk Knit In – Friday October 9th. 2015  Twelve of us joined other knitters across Norfolk to knit as many squares as we could in 2 hours. We managed 12 complete squares. It was very enjoyable morning. Across the County 685 squares were knitted which were sewn into blankets.

Saturday November 14th. 2015  Craft Fayre in the Village Hall. We raised £64.60 for the East Anglian Children’s Hospice. Well done everyone.


Toys for sale at the craft fayre

Toys for sale at the craft fayre

Blankets for sale

Blankets for sale











Samples and sales at the Village Hall Fete 2015

Village Hall Fete

Village Hall Fete

Below is a selection of some of the other items we have made.




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